
Showing posts from August, 2018

#UrbanSafetyist Sometimes Means, Lost and Found

Lost wallet, Louisiana drivers license and $36 inside, was turned in to me earlier by patron who found it on nearby sidewalk. An hour later I handed it to its very grateful owner! I've returned countless sets of keys; cell phones; laptops; IDs and other misplaced personal items. Safety Creation in this context means being a trusted keeper of folks belongings until they can be reunited. #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #UrbanSafetyist sometimes means Lost & Found. :)

Urban Fun Isn't Always #SafeFun

A bartender with whom I worked  recently told me she had a Glock pistol put to her head during an armed robbery inside her current bar. I instantly thought about the last night club my friends and I staffed back home and the chaotic chain of events around it; the non fatal shooting of its former head bouncer; near nightly fights to stop and the eventual murder of another club owner. The other club owner was friends with the couple who had the venue whose wounded head bouncer was replaced by myself and my friends. My bartender friend works at a place not unlike these locales back home- spots where the vibe and sometimes, violence, of urban living are included in the price of admission. Revelry doesn't equate to a cease fire in these areas. If anything, it can unintentionally offer a concentrated dose of what's in the surrounding area. Such angry energy was a fixture of the bar I worked back home whose owner eventually fell victim to that same energy. I'd ven...

#CapBlackUrbanSafetyist Recently on WWL Radio

I'm quoted in this WWL Radio article: articles/snitches-get- stitches-rare-according-nopd- chief-michael-harrison

Banning Troublemakers

" Some of our neighborhoods would be better off with some people in jail! " this often stated quote from #BroAlMims, New Orleans #1 Crime fighter and Mentor, sums up Displacing Negativity, which is SO central to creating safety as  advocacy or professionally. Banning trouble makers from public spaces or having them arrested may not change their orientation, but does change their location! Too many communities ( and homes, schools, businesses and events comprising them ) suffer because hostages don't challenge rampant negativity. Our Prevention  minded allies can work on deprogramming cruiminals. We Protection minded folks focus on displacing criminals on behalf of those whose energy and outlook is infinitely more positive. #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #UrbanSafetyist