
Showing posts from October, 2018

Happy #HeroWeen 2018!

Be on the lookout for people in strange outfits.  Happy Hero Ween from #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist :) #Superhero Inspired #SafetyCreator for events and businesses.

Adventures of a Superhero inspired #SafetyCreator

Pulp novel mystery men and comic book superheroes have always implausibly served as more than entertainment. They were models for emulation, from the bronze superlative of Doc Savage to the Caped Crusader himself, Batman. Obviously, there was the small problem of bringing their fictional realm to the real world where I reside.  For years I pursued vocations with the superhero theme quietly in mind: freelance ( pre-Internet ) writer; civil rights activist; motivational speaker; uniformed security officer; plainclothes loss prevention detective; bouncer; bounty hunter; neighborhood watch coordinator; citizen on patrol and blogger.  Each pursuit was infused with visions of the superhero within me. Then, in 2008, I became aware of the RLSH or real life superhero community. Real life superheroes are men and women, equally inspired by fictional  superheroes, who create iconic identities and do creative crime prevention and homeless outreach. They showed me tha...

One of My Patrons Attacked Outside Her Home

Victim is a patron of businesses inside building I secure: At 2:45pm Wednesday, subject ( pictured above ) attempted to rob a woman of her phone and struck victim in the back of the head when she wouldn't release it! His black jacket has a silk screened red roses design on the back!  #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist Minding Ur Business is My Business. :)

Safety Creation Cameo!

Need a Safety Creation Cameo? For few hours of sudden #Super power call 504 214 3082. Last minute assistance for events! #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist

Thanks NOPD 5th District for Arresting Surly Sleeper Yesterday!

Thank you  NOPD 5th District for yesterdays rapid response and arrest of a combative subject outside building I secure.  He was asleep in our entrance and after getting a concerned text from our Board Co-Chair ( I wasnt on property ), I contacted the New Orleans Police Department 5th District. Officers asked him to leave and he began arguing with them to such an extent that he had to be taken into custody to preserve the peace. " If we are going to be quick to condemn police, we should be equally quick commending them! " #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist

Cat and Mouse with a Not So Dynamic Duo

Been playing Cat and Mouse with a pair of area teen thieves  ( one of whom stole a car and was arrested for it  when he returned to try his luck again ) casing the Co-op and other  Healing Center businesses. Need I add that when caught, under city council mandated decriminalization of juvenile crime, they are released to their parents and not taken to the Youth Studies Center, New Orleans juvenile facility nor the Orleans Justice Center's juvenile wing, except in the most heinous cases- a cheery thought to those dodging harassment and robbery. That said, displacing them, for however long, beats allowing them to steal and intimidate at will. #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist

#UrbanSafetyist; a Brief History

UrbanSafetyist practice grew out of my longstanding role as a citizen on patrol, with a healthy dose of security consulting tossed in and rounded off by advocacy where I mobilize stakeholders to participate, instead of spectate. I strongly favor a return to a modern version of the Old English Hue and Cry model of safety creation where people rally to someone's announced aid as a spontaneous, mass civic duty. Social networks like NextDoor and before  the internet, Neighborhood Watch as promoted by the National Sheriff's Association, are definite modern descendants of Hue and Cry. My role is to put the PUBLIC back into public safety, within individuals comfort zones, and the law, alongside police as active partners instead of a passive service provider to service recipient dynamic. If you are a business owner or event planner, let's create safety together! :) #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist Minding Ur Business is My Business!

Sexual Harasser and Threat Maker Arrested Today!

Person who sexually harassed a female patron Sunday and threatened Executive Director of the building I secure yesterday was detained by myself and someone I'll call, Slammer this afternoon. NOPD was called and arrested him. #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist