( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ): Events Reflect Energy! When considering #SafetyCreation for occasions with their organizers, I use this measuring rod: Events reflect energy! Organizers radiating hostility and incivility invariably host events filled with hostility and incivility. I warn younger #EventSecurity professionals to avoid gatherings offering " Baghdad ( meaning private military contractor level ) risk minus Baghdad monetary reward. " I resonate with calm, creative energy. Organizers radiating this type of energy are welcome partners. #SafeFun is my goal at events, not feeling like a de facto correctional officer looking over my shoulder for predatory patrons to the accompaniment of a booming background beat. Been there, done that. Events reflect energy. Make sure any occasion u work is one whose energy meshes well with ur own. #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhilosopher #headofsecurity
We choose the conditions we accept, knowingly, unwittingly and in ways great and small. Let's accept good ones by consciously, collectively creating them. Tragic Example: When the collective consciousness of my old neighborhood shifted from the quiet, dignified productivity of my grandparents, parents and even my generation to insurgent loud, larcenous, lethal counterproductivity, I saw firsthand what happens when negative conditions become the norm. The Solution?: Keep looking. Keep assessing. Keep creating safety and civility and opportunity daily and unapologetically displace negativity. #capblacksafetycreator #securityphilosopher #safetyandsupportmanager #selfdevelopment #selfrealization #selfactualization #orator #writer
#RewardSeekers: Expanded #Bountyhunting. ( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ): People who are wanted by the law, and unwanted by victims, families, friends, and victim advocates, may need pursuers beyond the ranks of overburdened law enforcement and #bailagents facing competition from the pre trial release movement. Many moons ago back home, as my #SafetyCreation Theory took shape, I applied the basic role of #bountyhunter to non #bail related fugitives: child support, probation and parole violators and fugitives advertised in local papers. Some long term #bountyhunters had shared this expansion of #fugitiverecovery and I explored it. My working title for such endeavors is Reward Seeker ( RS ). A reward seeker is an expanded bounty hunter whose #motivation isn't always monetary ( Gasp!, Lol ) and doesn't require an intermediary like a bail agent. #Motivation runs the gamut from the thrill of the " hunt " per se to the satisfaction of ins...
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