If Only Evil were Easy to See

( From My Social Media ): If Only Evil were Easy to See

The image of Mr. Barlow, my favorite vampire, popped in my head earlier today while making rounds. I was reflecting on how easy #crimeprevention and unmasking false friends would be if subjects looked like this character.

Alas fellow #safetysapiens, that's far from the case. While cues and pre incident indicators offer aware observers invaluable heads up, deception can make a vampire intent upon feasting on our energy and resources appear to be anything but what he or she really is- an opponent operating right under our noses.

If only Evil were easy to see... it can be easy to see if we pay close attention.

Just like you'd run away at warp speed if Mr. Barlow materialized before you, figuratively run away from negative people after their friendly mask slips off.

You don't have to wait for their fangs to sink in to see them for who they really are

#CapBlackSELFDeveloper #selfdevelopment #selflove  #discernment #deductivereasoning

#CapBlackSafetyCreator #securityphilosopher #safetyandsupportmanager #headofsecurity


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