Be a Shepherd in Your Pasture
( From UrbanSafetyist on Facebook ):
On Sunday, May 19th, 2019, either a nervous breakdown or the Holy Spirit-I'll take the latter interpretation ( lol )-mandated that I put this " Shepherds of the City " outreach idea into action.
Those in the know, know that I'm a long-term one man street patrol doing quiet crime prevention and homeless outreach on the streets, not from office suites. Sometimes I've had people join me but usually I'm a solo act.
Shepherds of the City has been echoing louder and louder in my mind for some time but I fought heeding its call until nearly a week ago when acceptance beat avoidance. An overwhelming conviction to do so took over and I took action.
Did I mention this Shepherds of the City vision called for me to walk with a staff in hand reminiscent of Charlton Heston's portrayal of Moses in the Ten Commandments movie? I'm old school and very low key, despite improbable beliefs like fictional superheroes can serve as inspiration for super helpers in real life.
After posting about my decision on social media and especially after two posted pictures of me with separate staffs in hand, requests for help and offers of assistance have rolled in.
Be a shepherd in your pasture, i.e., the network of people you know and places they frequent. There is a void somewhere that you can fill, and you don't need to hang out with me to do it- or even carry a Moses staff.
All you have to carry is concern in your heart to let people know they aren't alone while facing violence, harassment, theft, hunger or depression.
We each have a pasture where we can be shepherds and they need someone to be a comforting presence.
Someone... like you. :)
Let My People Go-From Crime & Decline!
#CapBlackShepherdoftheCity #ShepherdsoftheCity #homelessoutreach #SafetyWalk #SafetyEscort
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