Brief Reflection after Nearby Gunfire

Brief Reflection after Nearby Gun fire.

( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ): A half hour ago my semi conscious slumber was disturbed by a disturbed individual several blocks away repeatedly firing a weapon.

My advocacy is #motivational and even #metaphysical so through these twin lenses I take a dim view of such negative outbursts.

How do some people take this magic of guiding invisible energy and myriad physiological reactions to do something as dangerous and craven as fire a weapon  before sunrise in a densely populated area?

What wavelength and worldview justifies such nehavior? I don't know and since I'm not a member of my coalition called to figure out such dysfunction, I redouble my calling, which is creating safety against such chaotic energy. It doesn't deserve to be around innocent people.

There are #SafetyCreators and there are #insecurityproducers.

This gunfire clearly was the product of a producer of insecurity.

#CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhilosopher  #headofsecurity


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