Lyft Should Have Safety Riders Accompany Drivers.
( Exclusive to UrbanSafetyist blog ):
Last night, a Lyft ride home from work ( I'm Head of Security for the New Orleans Healing Center ) included a surprise:
The Lyft driver had a male companion, perhaps her son, seated beside her on the front seat.
While not current Lyft policy, it is a policy recommendation I would like to see instituted.
I'd call these companions " safety riders " and as the title implies, their role would be securing drivers who'd feel safer with someone they know along for the ride.
Their role would be non confrontational and would serve as extra witnesses or assistance. This policy recommendation is in response to having heard many drivers lament rowdy events and passengers.
Safety riders would go through the same background check and have their faces and names appear below those of the drivers they accompany when a passenger hails one.
It's added safety creation for all concerned.
I'd gladly serve as a safety rider for Lyft drivers I know.
#CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhilosopher #headofsecurity #buildingsecurity #EventSecuritySupervision #EventSecurity #Safety #chaperone
Last night, a Lyft ride home from work ( I'm Head of Security for the New Orleans Healing Center ) included a surprise:
The Lyft driver had a male companion, perhaps her son, seated beside her on the front seat.
While not current Lyft policy, it is a policy recommendation I would like to see instituted.
I'd call these companions " safety riders " and as the title implies, their role would be securing drivers who'd feel safer with someone they know along for the ride.
Their role would be non confrontational and would serve as extra witnesses or assistance. This policy recommendation is in response to having heard many drivers lament rowdy events and passengers.
Safety riders would go through the same background check and have their faces and names appear below those of the drivers they accompany when a passenger hails one.
It's added safety creation for all concerned.
I'd gladly serve as a safety rider for Lyft drivers I know.
#CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhilosopher #headofsecurity #buildingsecurity #EventSecuritySupervision #EventSecurity #Safety #chaperone
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