#GoodEnergy is All I Allow Around Me! ( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ): I demand good energy be around me as my primary reality. I refuse to borrow, or be burdened by, other's misery or lack of civility. My safety creation theory focuses on preserving good energy, between people, within spaces and at events, not only as a norm- but as THE norm! Allowing bad energy: loudness, theft, graft, deception, violence and condoning constructs around you forces good energy elsewhere. When you consciously interact with people, places and events radiating good energy, you are repelled by the mere thought of experiencing its opposite. #affirmation: Good Energy is All I Allow Around Me! Make it a habit you don't break. #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #Sec #headofsecurity
Showing posts from January, 2019
#SafetyCreator Means Advocate + Consultant.
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My safety creation theory is a protective mindset where my authorization, and that of like minds with whom I work or assist, is our being and not badges, credentials or uniforms. That said, let me make it very clear that I'm a vocal supporter of law enforcement and security professionals. It's also clear that my safety creation theory isn't conventional policing nor traditional uniformed security. I work beside individuals, businesses and event organizers who need motivation to spearhead their own safety creation. My role is to be a " lead, " someone who advises his partners and takes the initiative to resolve safety issues facing us. If generating publicity or interfacing with officials is required, that's what I do in support of my safety creation partners. I'm an advocate and consultant beside those with whom I work or assist, not a distant service provider who rides off into the sunset. I'm by your side. #CapBlackUrb...
#ThiefTaker: An Idea Worth Revisiting.
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( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ): #ThiefTaker: An Idea Worth Revisiting. Before police existed in Medeval England or #bountyhunters in the American West, #thieftakers captured criminals on behalf of victims who retained them or the court system. Fast forward to today's era of #bail being elbowed by the pretrial release ( PTR ) movement and I wonder is it time to consider reinstituting thief taking as a legal, private response to fugitives who still won't go to court even after pre trial release said they were low flight risks? Individuals detaining a PTR fugitive and calling the police for arrest after they confirm warrant status, dramatically expand the recovery effort pre trial release as currently constituted doesn't participate in. It additionally gives #bailagents and #bountyhunters another venue to use proven skills. Thief takers could also be contracted by pre trial release programs to go after their fugitives. Compensation would be paid by the...
#SafetyCreation #Premonition
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( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ): #SafetyCreation #Premonition! Im having a feeling 2day that a great assignment is just around the corner. I see myself working with #likeminds desiring safety, civility and opportunity. We will enjoy ourselves and all involved will be enhanced by the safe, successful experience. Whether its cause is #metaphysical, #telepathy, marketing or my overactive #imagination, I gratefully say: So be it. :) #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhilosopher #headofsecurity 7
Events Reflect Energy!
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( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ): Events Reflect Energy! When considering #SafetyCreation for occasions with their organizers, I use this measuring rod: Events reflect energy! Organizers radiating hostility and incivility invariably host events filled with hostility and incivility. I warn younger #EventSecurity professionals to avoid gatherings offering " Baghdad ( meaning private military contractor level ) risk minus Baghdad monetary reward. " I resonate with calm, creative energy. Organizers radiating this type of energy are welcome partners. #SafeFun is my goal at events, not feeling like a de facto correctional officer looking over my shoulder for predatory patrons to the accompaniment of a booming background beat. Been there, done that. Events reflect energy. Make sure any occasion u work is one whose energy meshes well with ur own. #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhilosopher #headofsecurity
Words to Live #LargerthanLife by!
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( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ): Words to Live #LargerthanLife by! #DocSavage the #WorldsFirstSuperhero is a BIG influence on my #safetycreation. Can't wait to see @therock's interpretation in the upcoming Doc Savage movie! There's a man ( or woman ) of bronze inside each of us! #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhilosopher #headofsecurity
Don't Let Shutdowns Shut YOU Down!
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( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ): Don't Let Shutdowns Shut YOU Down!! VERY happy to hear the government will be funded for another 3 weeks to allow long overdue debate to finally happen. The plight of federal workers, and next in line federal program recipients, underscores how responsibly those whose actions impact others must act. It was a deep-often painful-national #meditation on #empathy #responsibility and #insensitivity. Each day this impasse placed a #metaphysical and #motivational question, How do we not shutdown during shutdowns?, front and center on millions of minds across party lines. We can't shut down basic communication with those who differ with us, when lives hang in the balance. Don't let shutdowns shut YOU down- much easier said than done during this last impasse... a life lesson for all involved. If we remain open to respecting each other, shutdowns like this will be a thing of the past. #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhil...
Saving the Day!
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( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ): Saving the Day! If u are in the traditional #Security industry, or an #nontraditional #safetycreator like me, saving the day is ur purpose. Ur presence is meant to displace negativity- period. Methods vary, from navigation to negotiation to confrontation, but the result is the same: u send bad energy packing. U and those u mobilize to make saving the day part of their lifestyle can actually change reality in relationships, communities, events and public spaces. Thank u for changing outcomes for the better instead of settling for suffering and caving into chaos. #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhilosopher #headofsecurity
New Boots, Old Purpose.
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( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ): New Boots; Old Purpose. I promise to #createsafety, step by step, by ur side, within ur comfort zone, to fill civic space around us with a #collectiveconsciousness of awareness and communicated active concern. As I've done wearing, and wearing out lol other shoes, so shall I do in this pair, for Clients and #likeminded Community alike: Ur Safety is My Happiness! :) #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhilosopher #headofsecurity
Don't Let #Ideology Empower Negativity
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( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram): Don't Let #Ideology Empower Negativity. I ask potential #safetycreators to change tactics, not beliefs, to displace negativity in their midst. It's a recognition that sometimes our ideology unintentionally empowers negative trends we don't consciously condone. Concern for root causes; hidden trauma and other motives for negative behavior is admirable. Wedding this concern with managing negativity until it's no longer a norm within a given building neighborhood or event is also admirable... and achievable. Our ideology should recognize the tipping point where empathy becomes enabling and tip concern toward creating safety and civility. So by all means, don't change ideologies that include concern for inequity and disparity. Just don't include enabling insecurity and despondency as conscious, intentional parts of ur beliefs. #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhilosopher #headofsecurity
More Power to YOU!
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( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ): More Power to YOU! A minute ago I finished talking to someone first met when I was a property manager collecting rent from him. As we parted company I told him, " More Power to u! " The phrase echoed in my #mind, so much so that it inspired this brief post. As we weave #collectiveconsciousness into changing outcomes for the better, each person needs to believe in his or her own power. Otherwise, the resulting #likemindedness will resemble like minded mess! Large scale crime, blight and hopelessness are the regrettable result of minds closest to such conditions either accepting a negative stereotype or even worse, imposing one upon themselves by repeatedly doing things whose end result is negative. I said to him, and rhetorically to #likeminds, more power to YOU! The more each of us sees ourselves as forces for good, the safer our spaces, events and institutions become. More Power to YOU! #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #Secu...
Change Your Tactics- not Your Beliefs!
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( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ): The Co chair of the Healing Center's Board surprised me 2nite by asking that I present my two cents worth to the first meeting this year of her Daring Discussion group. I offered one of my core points always made to #SafetyCreation partners: change ur tactics- not ur beliefs as we collectively create safer public spaces, events and institutions. I made a brief appeal for discussion and alliances beyond soundbites of talking heads paid to take partisan bites out of opponents. My idea of #winning isn't my party on top and others on the bottom. Victory to me is grassroots residents, businesses and event organizers displacing negativity by #manifesting #collectiveconsciousness consistently enough that negative people and plans can't prevail, as a necessary new norm! I'm not concerned, except as part of #respectful discourse, how u vote; ur particular isms; faith or lack thereof. My prime concern is creating safety toge...
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( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram): #IAmSafety Repeat this #affirmation when ur #SafetyCreation #motivation could use some #Super charging. Sometimes we're tired or wonder if our energy output is enough to displace persistent negativity. #Meditating on what #Safety means to us and how to #manifest it is the kind of #winning #selftalk powering this affirmation and state of being it promotes. Each of us is his or her own #headofsecurity and must manage awareness, boundaries and comfort zones regarding negativity within ourselves AND around us. Creating safety isn't the job of buff guys in tight t-shirts; professionals in suits and shades nor private contractors in tactical gear- it's OUR job TOO!!! Repeat after me, I am Safety! Guess what, for yourself and those within ur sphere of influence- u ARE the one who can mobilize others far and near to create safer relationships, public spaces and events! U-are-Safety... not spectators! #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #S...
Thumbs UP for #SafetyCreation
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( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram): Thumbs UP for #SafetyCreation As a #SecurityPhilosopher I honestly can't think of one good reason to tolerate bad behavior targeting ourselves, events and institutions. Negativity isn't something we have to accept nor meekly bow down to. Just as some minds and #collectiveconsciousness produce insecurity, there are #likeminds which displace such unwelcome energy. To these like minds dispacing #negativity personally and professionally, I give a thumbs up! Keep resonating! :) #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #headofsecurity
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( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram): #Reallifesuperhelper Inspired- Not Tired! My definition of #RLSH, which popularly means, #reallifesuperhero. Prompted by real life inspiration @darkguardiansh's recent post to write this, it sums up my take on how to take escapist fiction and make enhanced reality. The #Superhero is our fully realized #self, to whatever degree we can #manifest our #Potential. Dark Guardian does it his way; I do mine and YOU can do it YOUR way TOO! :) THAT'S #selfdevelopment #selfactualization and #selfrealization any of us can experience and I'd add, NEED to experience to displace negativity in around us!!! Please, tell me how you do it? #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhilosopher #headofsecurity
Displacing Negativity in My Vicinity!
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( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ): Displacing Negativity in My Vicinity. I don't practice theories that negative behavior is due to outside forces. Coalition allies address that side of our advocacy quite well. Mine is a different #calling. Prime Example: I don't think an evil villain with a handlebar moustache and a remote control in hand is directing urban crime behind the scenes. Ditto demonic possession ( though my decade on this real life Gotham City of New Orleans leaves me less doubtful ) and the same for telepathic mind control. These explanations doom people into playing the helpless host role with no power over yourselves. Insecurity producers CHOOSE to make others miserable and *newsflash* ENJOY doing so! Their. misapplication of free will isn't tragic- it's trifling, to use an Old School term. While I am a friend and coalition ally with #healers, #mentors and #reformers working to debug institutions, I work alongside them differe...
#ESP ( Everybodys Safety Perception )
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( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ): #ESP ( Everybodys Safety Perception ): Let's sync priorities and perceptions into a #collectiveconsciousness where what one sees or has concern about, others are informed and prioritize it as important too. Everybodys Safety Perception isn't telepathy but is communication which can become instinctive and cause allies to create it in unison as a #groupmind maintaining respectful interactions, spaces and events. Let's use this version of ESP daily. #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhilosopher
#Givingist Day is One Month Away!
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( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ): #Givingist Day is ONLY ONE MONTH away!!! Recognize a #GreatGiver and become one! :) #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #Givingist Day Organizer #SharingSupply is the fantastic flipside of #CreatingSafety #Giving #altruism #RAK #RAOK #randomactsofkindness #SecurityPhilosopher
Your Secret is Safe with Me!
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( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ): Ur Secret is Safe with Me. Some of u quietly battle the supervillain called #anxiety daily. I won't tell anybody but will offer whatever modest #meditation and information which may help u be at ease within and with others. This ease will strengthen u in all u think and do. It is security in its deepest, healthiest sense and not its conventional definition of protecting people and property. Ur #psyche deserves protecting too Ur emotional security intersects with all other forms of it, so I'll be the second person, after u, to cheer when anxiety is defeated!!! Until then, ur secret is safe with me. :) #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhilosopher
Zero Excuses to Tolerate Negativity.
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( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ): Zero Excuses to Tolerate Negativity. Crime, bullying, bias, favoritism and other forms of negativity are intolerable! There are ZERO excuses for any person or group to inflict misery and loss like it's a perverse divine right. Enablers want us to accept negativity as an immutable part of life and go a step further and actually vilify those who refuse to accept it. If we can create our own reality, let's choose one with ZERO excuses to tolerate negativity and infinite ones to displace it! #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhilosopher
You are Your Own Head of Security!
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( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ): U are Ur Own Head of Security! Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening: I'm BIG on #selfdevelopment and #Safety b/c they are my #calling AND I've observed the lengths negative energy goes to interfere with both in striving souls. It is demonic, demotivating and sometimes illegal to violate another person's dignity; try to undermine the fruit of their labor or even violently take or assault them. Negativity runs a spectrum from annoying to menacing. Each of us is our own #headofsecurity if u will and must manage recognizing and responding to attempts that infringe upon ur self development and safety. Lead yourself; love yourself through the mean spiritedness and manipulation attempts of would be overlords. U ARE ur own head of security! #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhilosopher
Keeping Watch
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( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ): Small theft indicates big lack of respect for others. Each act is a negative ripple eroding quality of life in targeted areas. Petty thieves cumulative impact is disappearing potted plants, holiday decorations, iPhones, laptops, wallets, purses, bicycles, scooters, cars, and other valuables, including the most precious possession: peace of mind. I join a #collectiveconsciousness of watchful #likeminds preserving #peaceofmind. :) #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhilosopher
EP ( Everyday people Protection ).
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( Originally posted on my UrbanSafetyist Instagram ): I beat the #SafetyCreation drum because when confrontation and loss due to duplicity or direct action comes, most times we face such negativity ALONE! For the everyday person, there is no #executiveprotection agent or #closeprotection detail to keep assailants and thieves at bay. If u don't have some form of political clout, skeptics say it's doubtful police in understaffed, overstressed departments will rush to ur aid after 911 has been called. Our #consciousness and capabilities, bordered by our comfort zone, shape the safety or lack thereof we create. U are ur own #headofsecurity in so many ways and while it makes sense to hire heads of #Security to take the lead, it also makes sense to make sure how u secure yourself, by yourself, is headed in the right direction. Everyday people Protection is what we must do, first for ourselves, then beside #likeminds while #bodyguards do it and do it well for di...
You Plus Me Equals Safety!
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The above caption is my simple equation for changing personal and property safety outcomes for the better in dynamic communities. I'm all for security alarm systems, private security, hiring off duty law enforcement and more on duty police presence but also support engaging the public, our largest resource, in the process too. We easily outnumber all of the above and by default are better positioned to observe matters needing attention. As we start a new year at work and play, let's be extra aware of our surroundings and willing to share concerns which may help ourselves and others. Several major holidays are on the horizon and with them come upticks in negative behavior. We are often all we have to count on in situations until relieved by the authorities! Let's leverage that fact to our advantage. I'm beside you, figuratively and literally. Take care of each other. :) #CapBlackUrbanSafetyist