Change Your Tactics- not Your Beliefs!
( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ):
The Co chair of the Healing Center's Board surprised me 2nite by asking that I present my two cents worth to the first meeting this year of her Daring Discussion group.
I offered one of my core points always made to #SafetyCreation partners: change ur tactics- not ur beliefs as we collectively create safer public spaces, events and institutions.
I made a brief appeal for discussion and alliances beyond soundbites of talking heads paid to take partisan bites out of opponents.
My idea of #winning isn't my party on top and others on the bottom.
Victory to me is grassroots residents, businesses and event organizers displacing negativity by #manifesting #collectiveconsciousness consistently enough that negative people and plans can't prevail, as a necessary new norm!
I'm not concerned, except as part of #respectful discourse, how u vote; ur particular isms; faith or lack thereof.
My prime concern is creating safety together, within ur comfort zone, to change outcomes for the better around us.
Change ur tactics- not ur beliefs.
#CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhilosopher #headofsecurity
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