Displacing Negativity in My Vicinity!

( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ):

Displacing Negativity in My Vicinity.

I don't practice theories that negative behavior is due to outside forces. Coalition allies address that side of our advocacy quite well. Mine is a different #calling.

Prime Example: I don't think an evil villain with a handlebar moustache and a remote control in hand is directing urban crime behind the scenes.

Ditto demonic possession ( though my decade on this real life Gotham City of New Orleans leaves me less doubtful ) and the same for telepathic mind control.

These explanations doom people into playing the helpless host role with no power over yourselves.

Insecurity producers CHOOSE to make others miserable and *newsflash* ENJOY doing so! Their. misapplication of free will isn't tragic- it's trifling, to use an Old School term.

While I am a friend and coalition ally with #healers, #mentors and #reformers working to debug institutions, I work alongside them differently: I displace individual negativity in my vicinity and unite #likeminds to do so communally.

#CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhilosopher  #headofsecurity


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