Don't Let Shutdowns Shut YOU Down!
( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ):
Don't Let Shutdowns Shut YOU Down!!
VERY happy to hear the government will be funded for another 3 weeks to allow long overdue debate to finally happen.
The plight of federal workers, and next in line federal program recipients, underscores how responsibly those whose actions impact others must act.
It was a deep-often painful-national #meditation on #empathy #responsibility and #insensitivity.
Each day this impasse placed a #metaphysical and #motivational question, How do we not shutdown during shutdowns?, front and center on millions of minds across party lines.
We can't shut down basic communication with those who differ with us, when lives hang in the balance.
Don't let shutdowns shut YOU down- much easier said than done during this last impasse... a life lesson for all involved.
If we remain open to respecting each other, shutdowns like this will be a thing of the past.
#CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhilosopher
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