
( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram):

Inspired- Not Tired!

My definition of #RLSH, which popularly means,

Prompted by real life inspiration @darkguardiansh's recent post to write this, it sums up my take on how to take escapist fiction and make enhanced reality.

The #Superhero is our fully realized #self, to whatever degree we can #manifest our #Potential.

Dark Guardian does it his way; I do mine and YOU can do it YOUR way TOO! :) THAT'S #selfdevelopment #selfactualization and #selfrealization any of us can experience and I'd add, NEED to experience to displace negativity in around us!!! Please, tell me how you do it?

#CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhilosopher  #headofsecurity


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