#ThiefTaker: An Idea Worth Revisiting.

( From UrbanSafetyist on Instagram ): #ThiefTaker: An Idea Worth Revisiting.

Before police existed in  Medeval England or #bountyhunters in the American West, #thieftakers captured criminals on behalf of victims who retained them or the court system.

Fast forward to today's era of #bail being elbowed by the  pretrial release ( PTR ) movement and I wonder is it time to consider reinstituting thief taking as a legal, private response to fugitives who still won't go to court even after pre trial release said they were low flight risks?

Individuals detaining a PTR fugitive and calling the police for arrest after they confirm warrant status, dramatically expand the recovery effort
 pre trial release as currently constituted doesn't participate in. It additionally gives #bailagents and #bountyhunters another venue to use proven skills.

Thief takers could also be contracted by pre trial release programs to go after their fugitives.

Compensation would be paid by the pretrial release program that processed the fugitive. The modern thief taker would submit an arrest and booking form proving that he or she surrendered the fugitive to the authorities.

The thief taker is an idea worth revisiting since suspects refuse to go to court, regardless of whether they're on bond or processed by pre trial release.
It's a form of #SafetyCreation worth exploring in cities where too many producers of insecurity are on the loose.

#CapBlackUrbanSafetyist #SecurityPhilosopher  #headofsecurity


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